1. Community Problem-Solving: Skills for Democratic Public Leadership.
  2. Women and Power: Leadership in a New Indonesia.
  3. Measuring Government Performance: Leadership Strategies that Produce Results.
  4. Leadership Strategic for National and Local Government.
  5. Governance as Leadership: Reframing the Work of Non-Government Organization.
  6. Public Financial Management and Participatory Budgeting.
  7. Startegic Management for Leaders of Non-Governmental Organizations and Community.
  8. Innovations in Government and Governance.
  9. Strategic Frameworks for Non-Government Organizations and Community.
  10. Media and Power in Democratic Transition.

Segmen Peserta Program:

  1. Ketua / Presiden BEM.
  2. Ketua Organisasi Mahasiswa ekstra.
  3. Pimpinan / Aktivis LSM dan Gerakan Sosial.
  4. Wartawan.
  5. Anggota DPRD / DPR / DPD.
  6. Gubernur / Bupati / Walikota Independen.
  7. Profesional dan Pengusaha.

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